Organic Juice Cleanse Farm

One of my favourite things about creating a beautiful range of natural skin care products, and the organic juice cleanses we offer, is being able to share with you the entire process behind the scenes. 

This week I took a trip to our incredible, family-owned farm up in Yorkshire where we make our Juice Cleanses, to chat to Johnny and his farmer son Freddie about the importance of organic farming. 

Johnny's family have owned the farm since the late 1800's, but it was only back in 1999 that they made the decision to switch from livestock and pesticides to transitioning to fully organic fruit and veg.

The farm itself is a wonderfully wild habitat, with masses of insects, birds and butterflies. As we walk through fields of organically grown beet, kale, chard and spinach, Johnny explains that he's reversed his uncles premise of chopping down hedgerows to make way for combine harvesters, to encourage wildlife back along the borders. 

organic beetroot

So much of this beautiful land is still farmed using very traditional methods. I'm convinced it contributes to the brilliant 5 day juice cleanse results we see from customers. If you've watched 'Clarkson's Farm' on Amazon, you'll have seen Jeremy trying out an old-fashioned planting machine. Here in Yorkshire, Freddie explains how he and his friends were put to work over the summer as kids, sitting on the back of this brilliant bit of kit, dropping seedlings into the soil - and they're still using it to do the same today!

Seed pods organic farming

So, why is organic so important when it comes to what we eat and drink? Well, particularly with a 3 day (and often longer) liver cleanse, the juice we're consuming is such a concentration of vegetables that "we absolutely do not want pesticides in there", Freddie explains. Plus, by being gentle and considerate towards the soil, it gives the nutrients a real opportunity to thrive. You get a real sense that Freddie and his dad are adding to the land, not endlessly depleting it. 

cavolo nero organic kaleIt was such a pleasure to tour this beautiful landscape and it makes me feel very proud of the green juice fast program we offer. Being able to support a carefully thought out British business, by supplying the very best, organic produce is surely win-win for all of us? It's no wonder we receive such wonderful feedback on the delicious organic juice boxes we offer. Not only words of encouragement on the 3 day juice cleanses too, but also before and after photos from our customers.

If you haven't yet tried one of our Organic Juice Cleanses, click here to pick your 3, 5 day juice cleanse or 7 day juice cleanse for chilled UK delivery this week. 

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