Red Berry Bottoms

I like making breakfast easy for myself! Nobody needs to be messing around with complex recipes, unless it's a Sunday brunch & then I completely understand the reasons for taking a little extra time. Rushed weekday mornings I like quick pre-made / grab-and-go options like this one. 

I'm using berries, apples & rhubarb from the garden, but your fruity bottom (I'm laughing childishly) can actually be made up of anything. The middle layer is coconut yoghurt & I've used some homemade granola on top. 


4 stems rhubarb (chopped)

150g blackberries

4 red apples (cored & chopped)

150g coconut yoghurt 

120g oats (use gluten free if sensitive to gluten)

40g coconut oil

2 tbsp maple syrup

1 pinch salt


  1. Gentle warm the chopped fruit & berries in a pan. Add maple syrup if the rhubarb is quite tart. Allow to cool, then spoon evenly into 4 glass jars
  2. Spoon yoghurt into each glass
  3. Melt the coconut oil, stir through the maple, oats & salt, then lay out on a flat baking tray & pop in the oven at 180C for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool, then spoon on top of the yoghurt
  4. Stores in the fridge for up to 3 days. You can even put a lid on the jar & take it to work
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