Scalp Psoriasis: Does It Cause Hair Loss?

Those who suffer from scalp psoriasis might notice an increase in hair loss, as well as more flakes and dandruff. You might be wondering, is this normal? And, is hair loss a direct result of scalp psoriasis? We'll discuss all of this and suggest some natural ways to minimise symptoms and hair loss associated with scalp psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that can produce scaly, itchy patches on the scalp. In some cases, the inflammation can also extend to the face, ears, and neck. Psoriasis is not contagious and cannot be passed from person to person, and there are a range of different symptoms you might experience if you have scalp psoriasis.

The most common thing you may come across is itchiness and dandruff-like flakes. Many people with scalp psoriasis also find that their hair is much drier than usual and may start to break or thin. In severe cases, you might see red, inflamed skin on the scalp that bleeds easily.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing a rapid overproduction of cells. This usually leads to inflammation, scaling, and flaking on different parts of the skin. That's why it's crucial to support the immune system in as many ways as possible, such as taking vitamins and probiotics like our multi-strain biotic supplement.

Scalp psoriasis can be genetic, meaning it runs in families, or it can be triggered by something in the environment, like an infection, high stress, or particular medication.

While scalp psoriasis doesn't directly cause hair loss, the symptoms can lead to weak, thinner hair that breaks easily. In more serious cases, where the inflammation is particularly bad, you might experience some patchiness. Scratching or picking at the scales and plaques can damage the hair follicles, causing them to loosen. The best way to prevent potential hair loss is to keep the scalp as healthy as possible and to avoid any further damage to the hair follicles. Here are a few simple things you can do:


  • Gently wash the scalp with a mild shampoo to remove any build-up of dead skin cells, oil, and sweat.
  • Brush the hair very gently, and avoid being too rough or tugging at the scalp
  • File your nails to avoid picking at the scalp
  • Use a soft towel to dry the hair, and avoid rubbing too vigorously
  • Stay away from tongs and hairdryers near the scalp


Natural products are often the best option for irritated skin as they avoid strong chemicals and fragrances that can exacerbate symptoms. There are some natural products and suggestions that can help your scalp to recover without causing more irritation. These include shampoos, scalp oils and avoiding chemicals.

Many shampoos and conditioners contain irritants and make the hair and scalp even drier. Instead, you can look for natural options that are specifically designed for sensitive skin or scalps with conditions like psoriasis. You might also want to try using our shampoo, which can help to slow cell turnover and minimise inflammation. Keeping the scalp moisturised is extremely important, as this can help to reduce irritation, scaling, and flaking. Our natural scalp oil contains argan and grape seed oil, which hydrates the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles. It's a great way to strengthen your hair and calm the scalp without clogging up the pores. Plus, its gentle ingredients may help to soothe itchiness and reduce scratching, which can sometimes lead to hair loss.

Chemical relaxers, dyes, and straighteners can all aggravate your scalp psoriasis. Hair products that contain chemical nasties may strip your scalp of its naturally-occurring oils, and this can cause more dehydration and inflammation. If you do need to use any of these treatments, make sure you're particularly gentle with your hair and take extra care to moisturise the scalp afterwards.

Scalp psoriasis can be a frustrating condition, but by taking care of your scalp and using natural products, you can help to minimise the symptoms and prevent hair loss. If you're searching for a skin-friendly way to look after your hair and scalp, browse our selection of natural hair care products.
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